“Lovers of a Crescent Moon: Invitations to Healing”
7-series Paintings & Reflections
1. “Cycles of Self-Forgiveness”
A body is lying on a bed, in a state between deep immobile pain, doubts, failure, fears, self-loathing…the body is bare, naked, honest, and vulnerable to the person experiencing it, but still so whole, sensual, and beautiful to the viewer. The presence in the left corner is turned away, leaving—signaling a separation, a feeling of abandonment, or merely a point of departure. Perhaps because of their own pains, realities, and soul paths, they must walk away leaving the person dealing with the cycles of self-forgiveness to confront their own demons.
The bed is intricate, ruffled, layered, and colored with much history of experiencing life—a space of passion, fierce and tender intimacy, a space for rest and recovery, yet a space often sought for comfort from pain and abandonment—a cocoon for healing. The bed represents a sacred intimate space often shared between lovers and loved ones, yet also often experienced alone where we confront our demons in the darkest of hours and in our moments of reflections and awakening. Bodies and beds are deeply connected in the processes of experiencing, of living, of healing, of resting, of recovering, and of growth. There are many dream catchers hanging in the right corner of the bed…indicating hope dangling, dreams aspired to, goals reaching for…but the body is still stuck immobile in the present, tied to the past.
The bodies are captured in essence, in energy, like star-dust through a vibrantly intricate mosaic-design representing our inner divinity and strength within, connected to the *Universe* and a greater life force. The only thing separating the body and the bed from the magical *Universe* space through the window is a sheer curtain halfway parted, halfway blowing to the side, while the mosaic parts of our bodies are reaching to connect with what is an illusion of separation depicted through the merging colors ofswirling paint strokes. This painting relies heavily on the magical energy flow translated through impressionistic paint strokes and mosaic colors reminiscent of Van Gogh’s “Starry Night”. In this sacred moment of transforming pain to purpose, of realizing our own inner design/divinity/purpose despite our humanness, our faults, our shortcomings, our addictions, our attachments, and human experiences of cycles of pain…we transform ourselves and start infinity with a single moment of removing that illusion of curtains, opening up to the greater *Universe*, and stepping out into courage, into faith, into hope with open lungs, mind, heart, and spirit.
2. “Aurora Borealis Northern Lights Reminder: You Are Not Alone”
“Aurora Borealis Northern Lights Reminder: You Are Not Alone” depicts a young child—our inner child and inner innocence—sitting in snow gazing at obsidian skies at the great Northern Lights sky show. It could be described as the largest celestial graffiti art show gifted to earth by the Heavens. Despite all chaos happening on Earth in this current world, nature can be such a healing source of inspiration and reminder that we are not disconnected to the divine energy flow and life-force that flows within us, surrounding us, through animal spirits, and through all. We are not alone. Even if at times we feel so. Even if at times we feel isolated, abandoned, misunderstood, unloved, unworthy, undeserving, alone…remind yourself…that you are beautiful, that you are beyond the wildest imaginations of your ancestors, that you came forth with a purpose and a path, that you are supported by a divine love force that flows through you. Your unique celestial DNA is encoded within you, from your thumbprint, to your hair-strand, to your blood-line, and heart purpose. Slow down and breathe. Look up to the sky. Seek wonder and comfort there. Connect with that breath within. This is the gift that sustains you. Forward. Onward. Upward.
3. “Genetic Memory & Infinite Possibilities: Honor the Legacy. Evolve the Energy”
You are the sum of all the prayers and love of your guardians and ancestors, birthed into flesh and human form. From spirit, to life, to skin, to blood, to flesh, you chose to come to honor the path your soul committed to. You grow and heal from the past of wounds to become the imprint you are leaving for tomorrow and for the seven-generations to come. You are molded into loving life from both genetic stardust and ancestral bones—“Be humble for you are made of Earth, Be Noble for you are made of Stars”. Honor your elders, ancestors, culture, and tribal legacies. Honor yourself. Honor your future. Honor your star-seed children of the path beyond this moment. This moment can be transformed into the effects of infinity. Pain or traumas, baggage or wounds, the leaking heart or bruised lost soul…you are no longer victim, but victor of your own struggles to heal and transform. We are a generation learning to repair our relationship with past, presence, and future. Lesson from legacies, to integration of the path. The pain teaches you. From pain to purpose, suffering and the darkest nights of the soul, to the dimly lit *Light* at the end of the tunnel, to the radiant explosion of awakening, and the rising of transformation, starting from your own radiant core—you are a sight beyond beauty to behold and to remember.
4. “Soul Connection: Telepathy of Heartbeats, Frequencies Beyond Sound”
“Soul Connection: Telepathy of Heartbeats, Frequencies Beyond Sound” honors that sacred unspoken connection. The space of understanding in-between. Between human-to-human. Heart-to-heart. Spirit-to-spirit. Soul-to-interconnected-Soul. It is this very bond that has the magnitude and power to hurt as it often heals. How our pasts and destinies seem to be intertwined. Perhaps a deep karmic tie or quiet soul-agreement. How we can understand and see beyond the layers of the façade. How we can hear one another’s heart-beats, spirit-song, soul-callings, and all the haunting silence in between the words we choose to speak or choose to hold within. Or perhaps it’s all the beauty, like frequency, like vibration, like our own beating heart that connects us. How we have the ability to drown out the noise so we can feel and understand even deeper within. There is ancient wisdom within. Listen. Feel. How we love beyond surface level comprehension. It’s intuition, it’s instinctive, it’s our true nature, it’s real. And one day, we will not equate silence with emptiness, loss, or absence, but rather a quiet stillness of presence, of being, of a feeling so breathtakingly beautiful, it is beyond logic and our ability to hear, but touched deeper into our understanding and intuitive existence on this physical yet spiritual plane. A togetherness, a union, beyond separation and pain. To recognize this, is the greatest soul-gift of all.
5. “Walking Towards Tomorrow”
“Walking Towards Tomorrow” portrays naked bare feet on a long journey, an unknown path, a vulnerable process into the future. The open road can be quite fearful and uncertain. Yet, it will unfold with its own divine timing, turbulence, and grace regardless of our anxiety or impatience. There are moments when we believe a new day may never come, stuck in immobile sorrow, disheartened, and desolate. Other moments, we might shift into the tension of fearing the arrival of the unknown future. Yet other moments, we feel ecstatic and beyond hopeful. May we stand in the beauty of the present moment and realize the gift of being alive to welcome the possibilities of a new Tomorrow. Tomorrow is a mysterious shape of an unknown love force, unfolding towards our today. Layers become revealed and the luster of blessings is underneath the myriad lessons of time. With every uncertain step, give thanks. Give thanks. Give thanks. For Life. For Breath. For this Chance. For Yourself. For your inner Strength. For your Courage. For your Truth. For Your Faith. For the fierce *Love* within you that just won’t ever let you give up or ever let you give in. Guardians and Ancestors walk beside you. You are not alone. The radiant future is yours. Go ahead, step forward, one step at a time, into your own Wonder, Strength, Beauty, and *Grace*.
6. “Community & the Beautiful Biosystems of Our Collective”
Community hopes, community heals. Together, we are more than the division of our individual parts. We are whole within our own selves, yet together, we are the sum of something even greater beyond just us. The *Universe* is a biosystem of the collective energy field. Energy flows on frequency and is fueled by intentions. Life is vibration. Vibration is sound. If we all choose to tap into the vibrations of life and beauty, infinite growth and healing can happen. Healing is not far away. It is a current within us all, and when we connect within andwith one another, a vibrant world can overcome. Uplift one another. Forgive. Love harder than you can ever hate. We are more than traumas and wounds, baggage and burdens, lies and deceit, suffering or hopelessness—we are a cosmos of beauty dancing, energy flowing, DNA twirling, stories weaving, hope manifested in flesh, breath, and blood. We are Truth. We are Joy. We are Peace. We are Harmony. We are Grace. We are *Love* itself. To love and live that truth—with every intentional, conscious word, step, and action—that is the true sustaining Revolution that is awaiting our becoming.
7. “The Time is Now: Flight of Faith”
{Automatic writing ~ word flow}:
The Time is Now. What are you waiting for? All the baggage you have surrendered. You have worked through so much to shed it all. Just shed it all. That deep loss you thought was yours to cling onto? Well, life showed you the grace of letting go. That special someone who held you down when all you wanted to do was hold onto. Well, love broke you open to your own inner strength. Your own courage to live again. On your own, with or without. You feel like a rising phoenix. Yet phoenix reminds you of a betrayal turned to ashes. Let that go too. It burned for a reason. Now repair from the ashes. Rise up. Now that you are here, at the forefront of the window into the vast open sky. What have you got to lose but your own chains? Surrender that too. You have fought hard enough already. Endured a lifetime enough of lessons you prayed into blessings. Now the blessing is before you. What do you fear? That you are not good enough to leap? That you will fall short and land in muddy earth or fires of hell? Well, to hell with it. To live not taking risks it to die inside. And you know you are damn well better than to be a caged beast of burden. Your spirit flows so free. You have all to give, all to grow, all to love, all to hope, all to wonder. You are a wonder of the world. You are the amazing be-brethren of lusting love, fruitful labors of the deceased, brought into the sunlight of the day, only through the tunnels of the gazing soul. When the heart knows no more sorrow because it has endured its breaking point. The point of no return, where your consciousness builds a beam of light. A beam of truth that guides you further. You shed all layers of bullshit from within as without. You know you are not perfect, but the perfection is in the giving to the spirit of heart. The spirit that guides your path is one to not deny the truth that all is in all and all is the beauty of the light of love. For once, know that the risk is not less than the burden. And the burden of the keepsaker of pain is that which outweighs the world. And the world awaits. Now, go forward. LEAP. FLY.